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Form One for all ECE Graduate Students

This message is to all ECE Graduate Students BOTH DOCTORAL AND MS DEGREE SEEKING STUDENTS,

If you have not turned in a Form 1 to me, a hold has been placed on your student account..this is for both doctoral and Master of Science degree seeking students. This hold will not be removed until you have completed,in conjunction with your advisor, a Form 1. For ONLY MS students, you must include ECE 6065 Colloquium and register one time and one time only for Colloquium. This can be done when you register for other courses.

With a hold on your account, you will not be able to register for any future courses or dissertation credit hours. 

For DOCTORAL STUDENTS that want to register for dissertation credits or for MASTER of SCIENCE students wanting to register for thesis credits, please remember that two forms are now required and they must be signed by you academic advisor and also the department chairman. REGISTRATION FOR THESIS OR DISSERTATION CREDITS CANNOT BE DONE ON-LINE..ONLY BY PAPER FORMS. If you try to register for either of these types of credits while the hold is in place, the Registrar will reject the forms and you will need to resubmit them. 

You may check your BanWeb to see if a hold has been placed on your student account for lack of a form 1. Again, as soon as a completed and signed form 1 is received, then the hold will be removed and only then will the hold be removed.

Thank you for reading this and seeing to this very important matter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.



Diane G. Hoover
Advanced Degree Program Coordinator
School of Engineering & Applied Science
The George Washington University
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department
801 22nd St NW   Room 608
Washington, DC  20052
Phone:  (202) 994-5934
Fax:  (202) 994-0227
Google Voice: (202) 596-5750 
email:dghoover@email.gwu.edu (Please note new email address)
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更新时间:2012-11-29 17:23

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