Free Tour to the Basilica of the National Shrine
美国国家天主教圣母大殿 免费游览之旅
Free tour to the largest church in the United States! Enjoy a free lunch at Our Lady of China/ St. Mary’s Church. Come meet friends and alumni.All are welcome!
Program 日程:
11:30 AM–中文弥撒 St. Mary Mother of God Church,727 Fifth St. NW, Washington, DC 20001; Metro:Red/Yellow/Green Line,Gallery Place-Chinatown
12:45 PM–午餐 Lunch at St. Mary’s Parish Hall 餐後共坐汽車或地鐵至聖殿
02:50 PM–聖母大殿 401 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington DC, 20017; Metro Red Line CUA