Hopkins dudes 750+ GMAT tutoring shop: Arete

enthus 发表于 2017-8-23 09:59:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
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新旧程度: 全新
转让价格: 60 USD
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We are two JohnsHopkins dudes who both obtained 750 and higher in GMAT in our first attempts.In the process we learned that GMAT is not just about how firm our fundamentalsare, but also about how well we recognize the patterns and types of questions.These are finite. Most importantly, we recognize the importance of maintainingcalm and focus in the exam.
One of us taughtGMAT in China, where the industry has not only perfected methodologies toprepare students for GMAT, but also has great reservoirs of questions on pastexams.
Our perspectiveon GMAT
Knowing that GMATmight be the door to the new path in life, we wanted to use what we learned tohelp GMAT students like you prepare for the test.
We know that noteveryone has the same level of mastery of GMAT, and for different people, beststrategies differ, but we believe that if you really want to do well in GMAT,then you will give life to the techniques.
We offer thepromise that you would at least have a 10% increase in your performance if yourcurrent GMAT score is 650 or lower. If you are close to and want to reach 700,then give us a try, because we are confident that we can help you break thatbottleneck.
How will ourprogram look like
It will be made upof 1 to 1 sessions, either virtual or face to face.
We rely on a diagnosticand iterative process to customize approach that would fit your needs.
Our program focuses on finding your problemsand taking them out.
For more detailsabout our program, please contact Frank at 240-825-6587.


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