很多人可能不太了解美国保险行业,觉得waive掉很贵的学校plan就可以了。但是,别忘了,买保险是为了以防万一,而不是省钱。现在我给大家解析一下, https://api.isoa.org/docs/plans/2016/ISO_Med_2015_2016_GWU.pdf 这是ISO的GWU plan的手册,大家可以翻阅一下,我就摘取几条说说怎么回事:
1. Surgeon benefit (inpatient of outpatient): subject to maximum of $3,000 per occurrence-摘自第三页
2. consultant physician benefit: up to $250 per visit for ISO Med 1-第三页 咨询医师的费用,一次只管$250
3. Physician visit benefit: including the doctor's initial visit $60 per visit; each medically necessary follow-up visit $40 per visit-第三页
4. Prescription drug expenses including dressings, drugs, and medicine prescirbed by a doctor and administered on an outpatient basis.80% of reasonable& customary, up to $1000 per coverage year for ISO Med 1-第四页