2008年開篷SMART CAR (超低里程數: 25k miles) - CLEAN TITLE

iyayaeloy 发表于 2014-7-9 03:45:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
出厂年份: 2008 year
品牌: Smart (Mercedes-Benz)
车型: Passion ForTwo
里程数: -
售价区间: -
联系方式: 隐藏内容


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本帖最后由 iyayaeloy 于 2014-7-18 23:59 编辑

2008 Smart Passion ForTwo Convertible

2008年的平治SMART CAR, 是開篷的喔!! CLEAN TITLE!!

小車省油又好找車位, 目前里程數前幾天才過了25,000, 2013年8月購入, 現在讀完書要回國了所以出售, 上一次保養換油是在年低, 是在Benz Elite Automotive做的, 在Arlington那邊, 是一家平治特許修車店, 店裡有車子的記錄, 車子性能完全沒問題, 沒有發生過意外, 里數又低, 可以放心購買喔!!

車內黑色, 自動檔, 也可以換手動的, 電動車窗和開篷, 皮質座椅, 電暖座 (冬天很重要!!!), 下雨和輪胎氣壓感應器, 自動開關車燈

車內很乾淨的, 沒有任何損壞, 地毯上一直放著保護墊, 至於車的外殼則有輕輕不明顯的刮痕, 一般二手車都會有一些的, 不過的確不大也不明顯, 沒有任何凹進去呀什麼的, 也是保養的不錯的嘛 :)

另外配備2條備用鑰匙, GPS, iPhone/iPod FM transmitter (用來連接音響的), 輪胎測量

$8000價格很實惠, 區內Craigslist也沒那麼便宜的了, 有興趣可以給我打電話或發短訊, 電郵也可以, 不過可能不定時查看, 沒接到電話的話就留個言呀, 發個短訊呀什麼的吧, 沒接來電我一般不會打回去的...

202-285-0472 或 iyayaeloy@hotmail.com

Only 25k miles on it, Clean title, in excellent condition, NO accident, NO water damage, etc.
Black interior, red/ bright orange exterior
Auto shift manual transmission w/ paddles.
Keyless entry, auto sensor for rain and tire pressure, automatic headlights
Leather heated seats, passenger air bags.
AM/FM/CD. A/C. Power windows
Will also throw in a portable GPS and iPhone/iPod FM transmitter, phone charger, etc.
Comes with 2 spare keys.

Interior in excellent condition, no tears, no stains on seats or anywhere inside, carpet are always covered by floor mats
Some minor scratches on the bumper but really nothing too obvious, no stains, no dents

Last maintenance performed at 24,000 miles at Benz Elite Automotive at Alexandria, a Mercedes-Benz Certified Master Technicians. No mechanical issues at all!! My offering price is reasonable and also lower than the KBB suggested price. This could be the cheapest smart car you can find in DC!!

I can be reached by phone or by text. Do text me if you can't reach me somehow.

202-285-0472 or iyayaeloy@hotmail.com
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