Avalon eaves Fairfax Towers是Apartment complex, 离Tysons非常近,开车7分钟就能到,门口有Whole Food, Starbucks, Subway, Bank, and other dining places, 对面有Trader Joe, ChinaKing restaurant, 应有尽有。出门可以直接上Highway66, and 495, 非常方便。
Lease: About 10 months (best deal), 10/26/2018开始, 到8/18/2019。
小卧房租:$715/month,大厅不住人, 大家都有自己的卧室互不干扰.
包水不包电。电费和Internet/TV, 其他费用,3个室友会平摊。
这个Building里面有便利店, Salon, 健身房GYM, DentistOffice.
- 免费的shuttle 到 West Falls ChurchStation (每天Morning 6 am –9:40am; Afternoon 4:40 pm – 8 pm).
- 坐地铁10 minutes 到GMU Arlington campus,20 minutes 到 DC, Foggy Bottom–GWU station.
-开车7 minutes 到Tysons Corner Center.
-15 minutes walking distance to metro station.
-Free morning coffee.
-健身房,瑜伽房/舞蹈房, Swimming pool
-Kitchen里面有microwaves 和 standard equipment
-Open spaces for BBQ (refer to property map)
对室友的要求:按时交房租,安静,爱干净, 无不良嗜好, no pet, no smoke in the house, one person move in,
Young professional, 或者学生的 单身人士均可。