
走走实名认证 学生认证 发表于 2012-6-8 00:59:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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Computer Security and Information Assurance Scholarship
GW, as a National Security Agency (NSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education, offers full scholarships for U.S. graduate students to study computer security and information assurance. To date, a number of students are pursuing their bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees with federal funding from the National Science Foundation and the Defense Department. For more information and application materials go to the CSIA Scholarship Informationpage.
This opportunity is applicable to graduate students in the Forensic Sciences and the field of Public Policy and Public Administration.

Bell Atlantic Graduate Fellowship minus.gif For degree candidates in physics or chemistry; provides a stipend and 18-credit-hour tuition award. [Chemistry Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6121; Physics Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6275]

Children's National Medical Center FellowshipFor doctoral candidates in the biomedical sciences; provides a stipend and 18-credit-hour tuition award for research conducted at Children's National Medical Center. [Institute for Biomedical Sciences director, (202) 994-2179]

John Whitefield Kendrick Graduate Fellowship in EconomicsFor degree candidates in economics; provides a stipend and/or tuition. [Economics Department chair, (202) 994-6150]

Isabella Osborn King Research FellowshipsFor doctoral candidates in the Biological Sciences Department; awards a stipend. [Biological Sciences Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6090]

Morris Louis Fellowship in PaintingFor students who show outstanding promise in the field of painting; provides a stipend and 18-credit-hour tuition award. [Art Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6085] for more

George McCandlish Fellowship in American LiteratureFor doctoral degree candidates in American literature; awards a stipend. [English Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6180]

National Institutes of Health FellowshipFor doctoral candidates in the biomedical sciences; provides a stipend and 18-credit-hour tuition award for research conducted at the National Institutes of Health laboratories. [Institute for Biomedical Sciences director, (202) 994-2179]

Ronald Barbour Weintraub Research FellowshipFor degree candidates in the Biological Sciences Department; provides a stipend and tuition award. [Biological Sciences Department graduate advisor, (202) 994-6090]

Faculty Alumni Scholarship Endowment AwardMaster of Public Administration students are encouraged to contact Kathryn Newcomer, Chair, Department of Public Administration, at (202) 994-6295, for more information on the following award opportunities:

Public Service Academy (PSA) Scholarship (MPP & MPA)Masters of Public Administration students (2nd year only) are encouraged to contact Kathryn Newcomer, Chair, Department of Public Administration, at (202) 994-6295, for more information on the following award opportunities:

Career Development FellowshipsIntended to assist students in specified programs who are working either full- or part-time and are pursuing or wish to pursue graduate (Master's level) study at GW to enhance their knowledge and skills. Click here for more information.

Conference Presentation Travel GrantsGrants available for those students invited to present at a national or international conference related to their academic area or dissertation research. Click here for more

Global Leadership Program FellowshipsFor international students from the People's Republic of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Mongolia, Sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and U.S.S.R. successor states. Click here for more.

Phi Delta Gamma Scholarship FundMust have completed at least nine semester hours of graduate work at GW. Click herefor more information.

Scottish Rite Endowment Graduate FellowshipsFor graduate students affiliated with the Scottish Rite except Law and M.D. students. Click here for more information.



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