[就业招聘] Educational Ambassador – Boost Your Career with a Year in China

sophia08实名认证 学生认证 发表于 2014-5-29 10:45:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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Educational Ambassador – Boost Your Career with a Year in China

Learn one of the world's most in-demand languages, acquire professional experience, grow personally, and improve future employment prospects in the U.S. and abroad.

Ameson Year in China (AYC) is designed for recent college graduates seeking to launch global careers by spending a year teaching, learning, and making a difference in public schools across China. AYC participants benefit from being immersed in one of the world’s fastest developing cultural, economic, and political landscapes. Each week, participants are expected to spend a maximum of twenty hours teaching English, ten hours engaging in on-campus activities or office hours, and ten hours in collaborative or self-directed pursuits, such as language learning, exploration, or research.


- Full legal working status in China
- TEFL training and certification (a $600 value)
- A monthly stipend of 5,000 RMB (about $800)
- Free Housing
- 7,500 RMB (about $1200) travel allowance
- Complimentary Chinese language instruction
- Basic health insurance in China
- Orientation upon arrival in Shanghai
- Airport pickup
- Ongoing logistical and academic support

Founded in 1994, the Ameson Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental organization committed to the advancement of cultural exchange and educational cooperation. As the 21st century unfolds, U.S.-China relations continue to grow in importance. At Ameson, we believe that lasting peace can be achieved through dialogue and exchange. We are seeking future leaders to fulfill that mission.


•        Native English
•        Bachelor’s degree, or higher
•        Must hold U.S. or Canadian Passport.
•        Must be adaptive, inquisitive, and culturally sensitive.
•        Positive attitude toward educational exchange

AYC’s official website contains detailed information about the program. Staff are available for inquiries by phone or email.

The deadline to apply is June 15th. For more information, or to apply, please visit: www.ameson.org/ayc


AYC - Office of Recruitment
Washington, D.C.
Note: 此招聘职位需要有美国或加拿大居民身份,如果您有认识的美国或加拿大公民也可以forward给他们。
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