
panrr 发表于 2014-10-1 21:24:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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宣道年会的具体内容安排见下。来教会需要接送的请尽快联系我 panrr77@hotmail.com,从 GW 到华府教会非常方便,乘地铁从 Foggy Bottom 绿线转红线20多分钟就可以到Takoma 站,我们在那里有车接你,5分钟就可以到教会,晚上又有车送你回住处。你也可以自己开车来教会,我们的地址是 7716 Piney Branch Road, Silver Spring, MD 20910。





車大光牧師 於1963年在韓國釜山出生,但他在美國長大。他在Cornell大學攻讀電氣工程,在1983年,他向神承諾,成為基督的使者,專門向穆斯林傳福音。他作了10年的電氣工程師,然後在南卡羅來納州的「哥倫比亞聖經神學院」取得「宣教/聖經訓練(聖經博覽)」的碩士學位。他和他的家人在中亞洲 ( Uzbekistan & Kyrgyzstan) 服事了10年,是當地教會的宣教士,他們現在又回到美國,向這裡的穆斯林傳福音。他與妻子Faith 有美好的家庭,他們有三個孩子:Joniel,Josiah, 和 Karis。請弟兄姊妹為宣道年會各事工禱告,並預留時間踴躍參加。

Keynote Speaker:Rev. James Cha

Rev. James Cha was born in Busan, Korea, in 1963, but grew up in the States. He studied electrical engineering at Cornell University, where in 1983 he committed his life to be Christ’s ambassador to the Muslims. He worked 10 years as an electrical engineer before pursuing missions/biblical training (MA Bible Exposition) at Columbia Biblical Seminary in South Carolina. He and his family served 10 years in Central Asia (Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) as church planting missionaries with Pioneers, and are now back in the US reaching out to the Muslims here. He is currently the Washington DC area coordinator for Crescent Project. He is happily married to Faith, and they have three children: Joniel, Josiah andKaris.

2014 Mission Conference Schedule

十月三日星期五ŤŤFriday 10/3
地點 Location: 禮拜堂 Sanctuary

8:00 pm - 8:15 pm 讚美與崇拜 Praise & Worship
8:15 pm - 8:20 pm 禱告與介紹 Opening Prayer & Introduction
8:20 pm - 9:30 pm 主題信息#1 Keynote Message: The Word Becomes Flesh
9:30 pm – 9:40 pm 報告與結束禱告 Announcement and Closing Prayer
9:40 pm – 10:00 pm 點心 Refreshments

十月四日星期六ŤŤSaturday 10/4
地點 Location: 禮拜堂 Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall (Dinner)

3:00 pm - 3:15 pm 讚美與崇拜 Praise & Worship
3:15 pm - 4:00 pm 短宣分享 Short Term Missions Report: Jonathan Chen & Wesley Chan
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm 專題 Special Topic – Cross Cultural Evangelism
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Question & Answer
5:30 pm - 7:00 pm 晚餐 Dinner / Fellowship

十月四日星期六ŤŤSaturday 10/4
地點 Location: 禮拜堂 Sanctuary

7:00 pm - 7:15 pm 讚美與崇拜 Praise & Worship
7:15 pm - 7:30 pm Presentation by Teens Group
7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 介紹與主題信息#2 Introduction and Keynote Message: The Word Bears Fruit
8:30 pm - 8:40 pm 結束禱告 Closing Prayer

十月五日主日崇拜: 上午 Sunday Morning 10/5
English Worship (英文崇拜) 10:00 AM
主題信息#3 Keynote Message: Preaching the Word at End Times

Chinese Worship (中文崇拜) 11:30 AM
主題信息#4 Keynote Message: Preaching the Word at End Times

Clarksburg Branch Chinese Worship (科堡分堂中文崇拜) 3:00 PM
主日中文崇拜 Chinese Worship at 3:00 pm
主題信息#5 Keynote Message: Preaching the Word at End Times
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