Proof of residence in VA: 我带了lease以及一张citibank寄的信用卡纸质确认信。我先把这个纸质确认信给staff了,他说这个是关于信用卡的不行,我不知道是不是非信用卡的银行账单就可以。所以建议大家带lease,直接去lease office打印一份就可以了,说去DMV考驾照,一般情况下工作人员都会很热心地帮你打印的。
笔试:1. 机考,没有鼠标,触屏
2. 10道关于signal、sign的题必须对;剩下的30道题答对24道就可以了。
3. 我错了4题,险过,因为之前看driver's manual的时候只是走马观花过了一遍,很多东西没记住,比如:
1) Use low-beams when driving in cities and towns, excepton streets where there is no lighting. Switch to low-beamswhenever you meet oncoming traffic to avoid blinding theother driver. When following, use low-beams whenever youare within200 feet of the vehicle ahead(p. 22).
2) The most common mistake that drivers make when backingup is failing to look both ways behind them(p. 21). [size=10.000000pt]3) Most over-correction crashes are single vehicle crashes andare often preventable(p. 17).