1BR/1BA All Utilities included with DC Monument view, River Place East (Rossl...

amy1998实名认证 学生认证 发表于 2016-7-3 09:23:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
招租形式: 新房整租 
租房方式: 长租(上Lease) 
位置: 弗吉尼亚 » Rosslyn附近
寻找性别: 男 女 
理想价格: > 1,200 USD
联系方式: 隐藏内容


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RosslynRiverPlaceEast Building一间standard size的一室一厅户型,在11楼,朝东南面,阳光特别好。此户型客厅和卧室独立,互不干扰。
1.     交通方便:步行5分钟可到达Rosslyn地铁站,去到DC市中心只需要一个地铁站。走到DC境内只需要15分钟。步行5分钟就可以走到GU发车频率较高的Rosslyn校车站,环绕DC的circulator就和rosslyn校车站同一个站点,所以万一错过校车也可以乘坐circulator到M街,步行25分钟就可以走到GU的主校区。同样是步行5分钟可以到达Rosslyn的地铁站,地铁站可乘坐橙线或者蓝线出行,其中,蓝线的频率比较高。从Rosslyn去GWU的校园只要一站。
2.     生活便利:小区内有ATM机和小超市,基本生活用品和食物齐全,还有干洗店,发廊和spa馆。步行2到3分钟就到了一个比较大的CVS,里面也是基本生活用品和食物齐全。步行10分钟到Safeway,算是一个比较大的超市,基本上除了大型家居都能买到了。步行2分钟就能到达各种餐馆,有中餐汉宫,墨西哥菜,沙拉店,三文治店,星巴克。。。
3.     设施齐全:有装修很好的电梯,楼下大厅的装修也蛮好的,洗衣房就在building里面(洗一次衣服好像是$1.50 ,烘干也是),坐个电梯就下去了。
4.     总体安全:Rosslyn整个片区都满安全的,RiverPlace楼下有24小时的警卫,大楼刷卡进入,安全系数高。从Rosslyn地铁站或者校车站步行回来的5分钟都是在大路而且都有路灯,所以女生如果有晚课独自一人回来也不用担心了。
RiverPlace East网站的链接:http://riverplaceeast.com/
有兴趣的Email: mxia1998@gmailcom or contact 703-717-3598,加的时候注明租房哦,可微信发照片。

One bedroom/one bath - 559 square feet, very quiet unit on the 11th floor of River Place East Building with gorgeous DC monument/river view and Georgetown city view at River Place Complex in Rosslyn, VA. Easy Access to DC, Georgetown, Dupon Circle, Union Station, China town, Ballston.
one of the corner unit on the top floor and there is no one live about you.

Newly renovated unit with big windows in both living room and bed room, high end window treatments recently installed. New kitchen with upgraded appliance including Refrigerator, Microwave, Stove/Oven, Dishwasher etc.., renovated bathroom with new appliance, wall to wall upgraded carpet and fresh paint. Lots of closet and spaces. Laundry room is in the building.

DC monument/river view, two blocks (5 mins walk) from Rosslyn metro (Orange/Blue lines),
2 mins from CVS, 5 mins from Safeway, Walking distance to Georgetown (7-8 mins).
Rents includes all utilities(gas/water/electric, AC/Heat) except cable and phone.
The unit is unfurnished and the unit will be empty and professionally cleaned when the new tenant moves in
River Place features:
A gated community, with 24-hour concierge service and secure lobbies.
An Olympic size pool, a modern gym, convenience market, hair salon, and dry cleaners.
This is a no pet building.
All Utilities(gas/water/electric) included,
minimum 1-year lease with 1 month security deposit.
Nonsmokers only. Sorry, no pets.
Available July 3rd 2016

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less is better, slow is fast.


michelle_ho实名认证 学生认证 发表于 2016-8-2 05:01:20 | 显示全部楼层
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