[就业招聘] 市场分析员 Marketing Analytics Analyst

zickzion 发表于 2016-8-15 14:02:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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本帖最后由 zickzion 于 2016-8-15 14:04 编辑

我在的公司在招全职contractor,Junior level,1-3年工作经验,有Adobe/Omniture 在线市场分析工具的经验

Marketing Analytics Analyst

Job Description:
Influent50’sMarketing Analytics team manages all performance analyses and optimizationefforts across two cooperative marketing programs within AARP Services, Inc.,including Health and Discounts Coop product & service offerings.  The Marketing Analytics Analyst supports theweb analytics efforts for ASI’s Member Advantages cooperatives website,aarpadvantages.com, as well as reporting & analysis of cross-channelmarketing campaigns across Coop clients.  Daily responsibilities cross marketingcampaign tracking, data collection, reporting and performance analyses across offlineand online marketing channels and website performance reporting.

Key Responsibilities
1.      Adobe/Omniture Automated Dashboard Management
  • a.       Pulland upload dashboards along with key report quality control
  • b.      Learnto develop automated reports for repeat asks & new Providers
2.      Digital Campaign Tracking Campaign ID Creation& Management
  • a.       Createcampaign IDs based on campaign requirements/details
  • b.      Maintainall campaign IDs for back-end reporting by campaign and channel
  • c.       Learnto update classification tables around the asks in Adobe back-end CMS
3.      Ad Hoc Request Fulfillment
  • a.       Processand pull data ad hoc to support the ASI clients and marketing managers
  • b.      Learn/refineability to present said data so actionable
4.      New Product/Offer Classification
  • a.       Updateclassification tables on new offer implementations

5.      Facilitate Data Collection, Processing &Upload for Reporting Requirements
  • a.       Processdata from internal & external stakeholders for database upload and reportgeneration
6.      Cross-channel Campaign Tracking Planning,Implementation & Quality Control
  • a.       Offline& online campaign-level tracking code requests
  • b.      Digitalcampaign ID creation & pre-launch QC for ensuring correct in-marketimplementation and back-end analyses
  • c.       Offline
7.      Ad-hoc Data Requests Fulfillment
  • a.       Database(SQL Server)
  • b.      Omniture
8.      Dashboard Generation
  • a.       Database(SQL Server)
  • b.      Excel-hosted
9.      Trend & Campaign Analyses for ProgramOptimization

Attributes: attention to detail;self-motivated; hard working; collaborative

Skills: Adobe/Omniture or GA (above beginner); Excel (above beginner);SQL (not required); PowerPoint


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