[就业招聘] 正在创业的学生们看过来!创业留美新提案 需要倾听你的声音

Sunny实名认证 学生认证 发表于 2016-9-19 14:35:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题


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本帖最后由 Sunny 于 2016-9-19 14:36 编辑

USCIS有了一个关于移民法的新提案,如果通过可能将允许学生毕业后合法在美居留5年以便创业。如果你是正在创业的国际学生,并且愿意在小型企业管理局(SBA)的一个圆桌讨论会上提供feedback,请联系我校的Jim Chung (jimchung@gwu.edu)咨询或报名。讨论会的时间是9/30 10am - 12pm,地址在409 Third Street, SW, Washington, DC 20416。
消息来源:GWU Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship

SBA Advocacy Roundtable on USCIS International Entrepreneurs Rule

SBA Advocacy Roundtable on USCIS Proposed Rule to Allow Parole or Temporary Presence for International Entrepreneurs

Friday, Sept 30, 2016 | 10:00am - 12:00pm EST | 409 Third Street, SW, Washington, DC 20416

Attention international entrepreneurs! There is a new rule being proposed to allow international entrepreneurs the ability to stay in the US for up to 5 years to launch their startups. We believe this is an important new rule that could have significant impact on the innovation capabilities of the United States, and especially relevant for international students interested in staying past their graduation to launch new ventures. If you are an international student entrepreneur and would like to participate in a roundtable discussion at the SBA to provide feedback on this new rule on 9/30 10am - 12pm, please contact Jim Chung (jimchung@gwu.edu) with any questions and to reserve a spot as soon as possible. Written feedback due by October 17th!

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