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首先要申明的是,我写这篇文章不是要鼓励大家去裸考,还是要好好学习好好复习英语滴~~毕竟你不是单单混出个分数就好,最后你还是要出国,要学习,要与人交流的。这里只是给那些在有时间的时候没有好好复习,还剩下不到十天就要考的同学一些用最短的时间最大化你的分数的指南和小诀窍。 先说一下本人的托福战绩吧~ 第一次是完全裸考,虽然高考后的暑假读了新东方的课程,可是时隔两年,去考的时候早就忘光到阅读有几篇,听力几篇Conversation几篇lecture,每个SECTION到底要考多少时间都不清楚的地步,可想而知考得有多混乱。不过其实出来的分数比我预计的好,我以为会考个60几分,没想到还有73。所以大家一定要记住,不管你觉得考得有多烂,托福的成绩总是会比你预想得高。 一年后,也是暑假准备考第二次,复习了半个月左右,觉得自己好有把握哦,(我以为的)考前的那个周六还去普陀岛拜了菩萨,周一上网一看,我的考试时间是我在普陀岛的那个周六……再报的时间跟考GRE的时间相差一周,为了复习G我又把T丢在了一边。本来有5,6天可以复习,但是考完G哪还有心情看T。但是这次我已经吸取了第一次失败的经验,即使不复习也要把考试流程熟悉一遍。这时候我那次没考之前复习的笔记派上用了(后面会详细给出我的笔记)。这一次我考了个还算满意的成绩,97。第三次去考试因为录取的学校说T不到100就要考个学校的语言考试,那个语言考试呢貌似几乎没人过得了,过不了就要读语言课程,又要烧钱了,于是我决定刷分。这次我觉得我有充分的时间复习,可是最终我还是没好好复习,这次复习了5天,我觉得我肯定过不了100了。可是前几天刚刚查到分数,满打满算100! 下面开始重点内容,4个SECTION的笔记和得分诀窍。这里先说一下我托福只用了一本书《新托福考试完全指南》,很厚的一本,老美写的,大多数Tips & Skills都是引用自这本书,全英文,大家可以顺便练一下阅读能力~~
SECTION1 READING 阅读最关键的一点相信大家也都知道,就是先读题再看文章。但是还有一种方法是很快速地扫描一遍整篇文章,再边做题边看文章。对我来说扫一遍跟不扫没区别,所以就直接边看边做题了。因人而异吧。 1.Skills that are tested in this section includethe abilities to (这个有助于你在看文章的时候猜测会出什么题) u Scan for details u Use context clues tounderstand the meaning of vocabulary u Draw inferences u Recognize coherence u Understand how the authorexplains certain points u Understand why the authoruses certain examples or mentions certain details u Recognize restatements(paragraphs) and sentence simplifications u Distinguish between importantideas and minor ones u Analyze and categorizeinformation in order to complete summaries and charts 2.Questions (了解有哪些题型也很重要) a) Factual questions: ask you to locate andidentify specific information in the passage---the answer for these questionsis directly stated in the passage, correct answer seldom use exactly samewords. b) Negative factual questions: ask which of theanswer choice is not true, according to information in the passage, or is notmentioned in the passage c) Vocabulary questions: ask you to identify themeaning of a word or phase used in the passage d) Inference questions: ask you to drawconclusions based on information in the passage e) Questions about the author’s purpose: ask youwhy the author uses a certain word, detail, or example in a passage f) Questions about the author’s method: ask you todescribe how the author explains or accomplishes something in the passage g) Questions about the author’s attitude: ask youhow the author feels about a certain issue, idea, or person that is mentionedin the passage h) Sentence restatement/simplification questions:ask which choice best restates and summarizes the information in a sentence fromthe passage--- ü A choice that eliminatesdetails & examples & with important information may be a correct answer ü When you answer this questionask yourself, what’s the important idea in the sentence? i) Reference questions: ask what word a pronoun orother reference word refers to--- ü The referent almost comesbefore the reference word in the passage ü The referent isn’t always thenoun that is closest to the reference word j) Sentence addition questions: it’s usually thesecond-to-last question. This type of question gives you a sentence that is notin the passage and ask you to put it into the passage---signal words (however,therefore, furthermore, first, after that, similarly), personal pronouns (it,they), demonstrative (this technique), synonyms, repetition of key words k) Complete-the-summary & complete-the-chartquestions: in complete-the-summary questions, you are given six answer choicesand you must choose three of these to create a summary of the passage.Incorrect choices are only minor ideas or they are not mentioned in the passage--- ü Look for hints in the firstparagraph or two about the overall structure of the passage ü You need to study the mainidea of each paragraph and consider the way those main ideas are related ü Try to eliminate answers thatare just details in the passage ü Try to eliminate answers thatdon’t present information accurately. They may repeat words from the passagebut changes the meaning. In complete-the-chartquestions, you are given a number of answer choices and you must put them inthe proper category in a chart. The answer choice will be some importantcharacteristic or example, and the categories will be major concepts describedin the passage. You have to decide which of the answer choices is related towhich category and place it in the correct place in the chart 3. 其实我做阅读也没有很大的心得,我觉得关键一点还是要静下心来读吧,不要赶时间,这样容易看不进去,反而浪费了时间。还有一点也是很难做到的一点,碰到不确定做不出来的题超出1-2分钟后就先跳过做后面的。关于complete-the-summary & complete-the-chartquestions,我觉得这个题目一般都很明显,有些根本文章没提,有些就是太细节,有些是错误的信息,所以还是很容易选的。
SECTION2 LISTENING 听力是我托福里最擅长的了,我把《新托福考试完全指南》里的听力都做了,话说这本书的听力朗读者就是托福听力里的那群人,所以有助于适应他们的语速和语调。另外一个提高听力的方法是听Scientific American 60seconds。这个语速非常快,我用它来催眠,听着听着就睡着了。虽然要听10遍以上才能听懂个60%,但是潜移默化中还是有很大的帮助的。这是硬实力的提高,并不太适合裸考者。可能上新东方的时候老师会说听力要记笔记,也有很多人平时是以记笔记作为训练的,但是我不喜欢记笔记,我从小就不喜欢记笔记,我就想听中文课的时候可以不记笔记听一堂课,顶多几个超级重点记一下,那我听英语也一定能这样,关键词记一记,还有一些后面题目中可能要排序、分类的需要记。 1.Skills that are tested u Draw inference u Identify the speaker’spurpose, method and attitude u Understand how the speaker’sintonation affects meaning 2.Questions a) Main topic/main-purpose questions b) Factual questions: ask supporting ideas anddetails (what, when, why, how much…) Negativequestions: ask which choice is not true or not mentioned Inferencequestions: ask you to make a conclusion c) Purpose question: ask the motivates the speakermention something Methodquestion: ask how a speaker introduce an idea, emphasizes an idea, explain anidea (cause/effect, contract two concepts, give reasons, provide statistics,compare an unfamiliar concept with a familiar one) d) Reply question: ask motivation, ask languagefunctions, ask what the speaker means/implies e) Matching question f) Ordering question g) Complete the chart question 3. 考试题型 a) Task 1: 2 conversations b) Task2: lecture c) Task 3: discussion d) Task 4: presentation 听力还有一点是笔记符号,可以节省做笔记时间,比如用“=”表示is, equal, is the same as,用#表示number,用x表示times……自己找到适合自己的符号。 我觉得conversation不需要记笔记,听懂就可以了。比如重点要听那个学生找教授是干嘛去的,因为一般都会问purpose,还有对话中的矛盾要仔细听。 可能大家觉得问题最大的是lecture。其实一开始我也是很怕lecture的,但是没考的那次考试之后的那一次突然我就觉得lecture没那么恐怖了。首先不要想着把每一个单词都听懂,我们的目的是做对后面的题目,所以就要知道哪些内容将有可能被作为问题。ETS很人性的一点是不会问你关于数字的问题,比如文章中出现了火星直径啦,与地球的距离啦,周长啦之类的。还有文章中,出现几几年发生什么事情,这个很少考,但是为了保险起见还是要稍微记一下,后面有可能会让你按事件发生前后排序。反正听的时候多注意一下有可能被用来出排序题的内容。不过就算有这种排序题一般也是很明显的能够在文章中听出来的,ETS的题目还不算很抠,不会找死角考你。 其次,在文章中出现你不熟悉的新词,比如choreography,不要去一直纠结这个单词什么意思,听过就让它过去。可能你会说,很难不去管它,会不自觉地去想它什么意思。刚开始我也是这样,后来我又联想了中文课堂上,如果你听到一个新的词汇,比如三聚氰胺,你不会去死命想,矮,三聚氰胺到底什么意思啊?我一定要把它想起来。相反,听到一个不知道的词,我们会听老师讲下去,听老师对这个词的解释,通过老师举例子明白其意思。托福中也一样,你听那个professor讲下去,她/他会告诉你这是个什么东西。就算professor没有对这个词做单独的解释,但是你从她/他后面的补充说明中也能推出这个词大概什么意思。还有一点,professor说了一句话,你没有听懂,你也不要再去回忆那句话了,因为我发现大多数情况后面会有”It means……”或者”In other words……”做进一步解释(这说明美国学生他也听不懂的,考虑到他们的平均智商),如果你去回想刚才那句你没听懂话,可能就错过了那句你能听懂的解释的话。 第三如果你不幸在听的时候开了小差,这时千万不要放弃,不要后面的都不听了。实践证明,如果你这时候坚持听下去,根据后面的内容做前面的题目时也能猜出六七成。你要根据你后面所听到的,得出这文章主要在讲什么,根据你前面走神但还是飘进耳朵的仅有的几个单词做合理的逻辑推测。这点就引出后面的第四点。 第四点,当你觉得这篇文章特别难,不懂得单词特别多,语速特别快,完全不知道他在讲什么的时候你也不要完全放弃,还是听大概,听主题,然后利用第三点中的去做题。我有一次做练习就是只听懂了30%-40%,结果一做题只错了2题,比听懂的错的还少。所以最最关键的就是不能放弃,一定要听完,只有听完就还有答对一半的机会。 第五点,听的时候挑重点听,把注意力放在可能会考的点上。比如这句话”Well, because of the time it takes, because… Well, becauserecording three-dimensional dance movements, it’s very difficult, very complex,and especially it’s very time-consuming.”当这个professor在前面well, well的时候,你把注意力放到她后面要说的重点上,等着她吐出后面的内容,我觉得这样也有助于记住文章重点,因为你是做好一切准备等着它的。 最后一点,我认为也是听力决胜点,看你能不能听“进”去。也就是说,你忘了你是在考试,你好像真的是在听这个老师给你上课,你对于他/她讲的内容在思考,如果你感觉你投入进去了,你就能很轻松的听懂,做题了。
SECTION 3 SPEAKING 这部分实在不是我的强项,我就简单介绍一下题型吧~~ 1. Independent Task (task 1,2) Write a simple outline which include atopic statement. Preparation time: 15 sec. Respond time: 45 sec. 表达用语: prefer to do/prefer doing/prefer doing to doing, wouldrather do than do, in general/generally/on the whole 2. Integrated Task (task 3,4) Ask you only to summarize and paraphrasethe information you read and hear. You should simply report what you read andhear. u Read material 45 sec. u Listen conversation/discussion u Preparation 30 sec. u Respond 60 sec. 表达句式 1) Theannouncement is about… 2) Agree ingeneral with… 3) Thereading gives an overall view of... 4) Thereading is about… 5) Thepassage discusses… 6) Thespeaker gives two specific examples of… 3. Task 5: Conversation, the only taskyou express your opinions. Preparation 20 sec. Respond 60sec. 4. Task 6: Lecture Preparation 20sec.Respond 60 sec.
SECTION 4 WRITING 这部分很重要的就是你的打字速度还有how well your essay developed. 多举例子吧,study, research, survey自己随便编造一点数字啊故事名言名句什么的。 1. IntegratedWriting Task 20min/200 words a) You writean essay summarizing the lecture and the reading passage and showing therelationship between them. b) Onlysummarize and paraphrase, don’t express your own opinion and don’t bring anyinformation from outside. c) To writean effective integrated response ü Summarize and paraphrase the material in the lecture andpassage ü Synthesize information from the passage and the lecture,determine which key points from the passage correspond to which key point inthe lecture ü Cite the information you use (According to the lecture… Thepassage says that…) ü Write a clear, well-organized, coherent responses to the question 2. IndependentWriting Task a) Threecommon types of prompts 1) Defend anoption: ask you to choose one side to support 2) Agree ordisagree 3) Explainthe importance of a development, invention or phenomenon b) Expressions 1) Givingopinions expressions: In my opinion, A is a much better choice than B It’s my opinion that C should be used in place of B I believe that X is preferable to Y Personally, I feel A is superior to B I prefer A to C 2) Expressionsshow addition: In addition, furthermore, moreover, besides, as well as 3) Expressionsshow results: therefore, consequently, thus 4) Expressionsshow similarity: likewise. Similarly 5) Conclusion:in conclusion, in summary, all in all c) 信号词 1) 表程度:primarily, essentially, secondary to sth., subordinate to sth., principally,basically, chiefly, above all, lesser 2) comparison& contrast: in stark contrast, similar to, similarly, corresponding,resemble, in a like manner, likewise, otherwise, still, while yet 3) 因果: thus hence,consequently, for this reason, owing to, due to 4) explanation:in other words, to clarify, to paraphrase, namely 托福作文其实还是蛮简单很容易得高分的,字数多,多举例就可以,当然逻辑也很重要。还要看你的运气,碰到一个不太好的键盘,这次我这个键盘不好打,要很用力地敲下去,害我字数打不多,分数不高。