6038 Richmond Hwy, Alexandria 招租,1月1号起开始,长租

sunlp920202 发表于 2017-12-18 23:30:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 打印 上一主题 下一主题
招租形式: 卧室招租 转租 
租房方式: 长租(上Lease) 
位置: 弗吉尼亚 » Alexandria Ciry
寻找性别: 女 
理想价格: 700-799 USD
联系方式: 隐藏内容


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6038 Richmond hwy 3b2b中卧出租,价格770全包。大小12*12,室友是两个美国白人妹子,本人因为工作签证问题,不得已搬离DMV。现想找人sublease,一月一号开始。详细post如下。有意者请私信。12/20/2017以后会上传图片并预约看房。

Female roommate wanted to share 3 bed/2 bath, walk to Huntington metro
Female roommate wanted to share large (1,168 sq ft) 3 bedroom/2 bath apartment in Alexandria.   Available bedroom is approx 12 x 12, unfurnished or furnished (roommate that is moving to IL is willing to part with her furniture if there is interest), and has a large closet.  Share bathroom with one other.  Available 1 January 2018.
$770/month rent includes all utilities (gas, water, trash, electric, cable, wireless/high speed internet, etc.) and parking.  Apartment complex requires you submit an application and sign the official lease.
Apartment includes: fitness center, pool, playground, picnic area, central air conditioning, balcony, dishwasher, hardwood floors, and on-site laundry (in basement of building).  
Great location within easy walking distance of Huntington Metro (yellow line)!
1.5 miles to Old Town Alexandria (King street) restaurants and shops
0.75 miles to 495/Beltway
1 mile to GW Parkway
15 min drive to Reagan National Airport
Location is ideal for metroing, however it is still a good idea to have a car as the closest grocery store is approx 0.5 miles away.  The Huntington metro (yellow line) is only a 5-7 min walk.  There is also a bus stop at the front of the apartment complex.
What about the roommates??
I am a 35 year old professional female looking for a non-smoking female roommate, preferably in the 24-40 age range.  Students are OK. Sorry, no couples or pets.
I am laid back, friendly, clean, and drama free and want a living situation to reflect that.  I am not freakishly clean, but simply operate under the general rule of thumb to follow common curtsies (ex: pick up/clean up after yourself, don’t leave personal belonging all over the common areas, treat people with respect, etc.).  The other roommate is also a professional female, who recently relocated to DC and works for government.



sunlp920202 发表于 2017-12-18 23:43:05 | 显示全部楼层
WeChat:sunliping397510/ Email: viviansunliping@gmail.com
 楼主| sunlp920202 发表于 2017-12-18 23:52:32 | 显示全部楼层
沙发,懒人椅,圣诞树,书架,电视,餐桌,酒柜,饮料柜,厨具一应俱全,舍友喜欢装饰,更像家而非出租屋。卧室家具如果需要可商量(或见帖子:搬家急售:床架记忆床垫/床头柜/转角柜/书柜/书桌椅 https://hellogwu.com/forum.php?m ... sortid%26sortid%3D5
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