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Items in shadeswill be available in the week of May 25, accept pre ordering. Price in dollarsis written next to the item. 灰色标注物品May25-30可取,可先预定 .以下标价为美元。 Furniture 1. Black leather chair 皮质老板椅 28 2. Black revolving chair 老板椅 28 3. Bedside(wooden) 床头柜 5 4. Bookshelf书柜 15 5. Movable bedside (plastic,storage space) 可移动收纳床头柜 8 6. CampingChair 户外折叠椅 8 7. Foldingchair 室内折叠椅 5 8. BaseballRound Small Been Bag(sofa/chair) 橄榄球状小沙发 8 9. WhiteIkea Chair 白色座椅 5 10. Shoe stand x2 鞋架2个 5 11. QueenSize Mattress and Box 席梦思 100 12. IkeaFloor Uplight Lamp 宜家落地灯 10 13. Dining Table 餐桌 10 14. WhiteDesk 白色写字台 10 15. RedLamp 红色桌灯 8 16. TV Stand 电视柜 8 17. Ike Arm Chair 白色宜家躺椅 15 Large Items 18.Dynex26in TV 26英寸电视 80 19.Mountain Bike 山地车 50 20.ToasterOven 烤面包机 10 21.ElectronicHotpot 电火锅 25 22.Vacuum 吸尘器 18 23.VideoCamera 摄像机 Negotiable 24.Tripod 三脚架 Negotiable 25.Brotherwireless printer 无线打印机 25 26.Soup x2六神香皂两块 2 Small Items 27.Floorbike pump 打气筒 5 28.Whiteboard(large and small) 白板大小两个 5 29.CrestMouthwash 1.5L (New) 全新1.5升佳洁士漱口水 3 30.Iphone5 case (brand new) ihpone5壳 10 31.Stapler钉书机 2 32.HairTrimmer Plus 理发工具一套 5 33.Stanley10 piece screwdriver set 螺丝刀系列 5 34.Bindersx6 $1for 2 35.YogaMat 瑜伽垫 5 36.5 pounddumbbell 5磅哑铃 5 37. Curlingiron 卷发棒 8 38. HairDryer 吹风机 10 39.Sleepingbag 睡袋 10 40.Waterfilter with unopened NEW filter 净水器 10 41.Lunch bag 午餐保温袋 5 42.Headlight Almost New 头灯 5 43.Teplephonehanderler to iphone 连接iphone的手握电话 5 44.TableMirror 梳妆镜 8 45.GlassVase 花瓶 1 46.Iron AlmostNew熨斗 5 47.Ikealamp light bulb Brand new 宜家台灯灯泡 5 48.Phillipslight bulb 飞利浦灯泡x4set 2 49.Handheldsewing machine 便携式缝纫机 2 50.Whiteon floor Hanger 晾衣架 1 51.Tabletennis set 乒乓球拍和网 5 52.Applecutter 削苹果神器 1 53.FolderHolder x5 文件夹 $1for2 Art Works 54.Chineseancient poem and painting on silk 唐伯虎字画 30 55.ChineseQinghua Vase Brand new全新青花瓷瓶 10 56.Yunnan Style Painting 云南风格画 10